'FRUK Unwrapped | Appetisers #2 | The Food Review UK Podcast'

'FRUK Unwrapped | Appetisers #2 | The Food Review UK Podcast'
01:11:12 Dec 24, 2022
'We need to talk about Nate. Behind his back. Actually, MJ and Stuart have more pressing things to discuss. What are MJ\'s top 10 food products of 2017. ►FRUK Podcast : http://shoutengine.com/FRUKUnwrappedTheFoodReviewUKPodcast/ ► Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FoodReviewUK  ►My Comedy : http://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonComedy ►My VLOGs : http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelJamiesonsLife ►The FRUK Buddies Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe85i3ke1QZjE4c1wGl0wBJblQVni5Ff8  ►T-Shirts : http://foodreviewuk.spreadshirt.co.uk ►Twitter - - - - http://www.twitter.com/FoodReviewUK  ►Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/frukgram ►MJ\'s Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/rezourceman  Business Enquiries - michaeljamiesoncomedy@gmail.com' 

Tags: top 10 , comedy , Food , funny , review , podcast , interview , talk , 2018 , uk , Laughs , 2017 , chat , 10 , new year , charts , almonds , chatting , burger king , pots , kfc , unwrapped , Banter , chart , smokehouse , Rundown , twizzlers , Food Review UK , Salted Caramel , krispy kreme , fruk , thorntons , blue diamond , frukcast , Bants , run down , thornton's , pots and co

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